Industry News

As the product of the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry,the industrial Internet is increasingly becoming the key support of the new industrial revolution and the important cornerstone of deepening the”Internet plus+advanced manufacturing industry”,which has an all-round,deep and revolutionary impact on the future industrial development.
On November 27,sponsored by the Ningbo Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Shanghai Jiaotong University,and jointly hosted by Keyi(Ningbo)Artificial Intelligence Technology Co.,Ltd.and Zhejiang Zhongkong Technology Co.,Ltd.,the”China Industrial Internet Industry Innovation and Ecological Development Conference,the Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Application Development,was successfully held in the Siyuan Hall of the Ningbo Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Shanghai Jiaotong University.Focusing on”technology,industry and ecology”,Aim at the”three trillion”goal,promote the application of digital technology such as artificial intelligence,industrial software,industrial security applications,and integrate the development of advanced manufacturing industry.Among them,Central Control Technology officially released the industrial AI application development software(InPlant IBD)and made the theme report of”optimized application of production operation and control based on artificial intelligence”.
Focus on industrial applications and release data value
Industrial AI application development software(InPlant IBD)officially released
Speaker:Wang Kuanxin,General Manager of 5T Technology R&D Department of Central Control Technology
The AI application and development software of the central control technology industry integrates offline,model development and application.It has three typical features:flexible deployment,application configuration and closed-loop orientation.
The software can be deployed from the edge to the large-scale cluster to meet the needs of AI applications in the whole business domain of the process industry.This software can not only realize the graphical configuration modeling of AI algorithms such as machine learning and deep learning,but also deeply integrate industrial knowledge and AI algorithms to encapsulate a large number of industrial application scenarios,achieving a breakthrough from algorithm configuration to application scenario configuration,and significantly reducing the application threshold of industrial AI.At the same time,we independently develop high-performance edge controller to realize the value closed-loop of industrial AI applications.
At present,the software has been applied in closed loop scenarios such as operation optimization,intelligent decision-making and fault diagnosis in the fields of chemical industry,cement and new materials,and has achieved significant energy-saving and emission reduction effects.5T integration creates a new future of industrial AI.The industrial AI application development software InPlant IBD will help the process industry continuously release data value through application,accelerate the intelligent construction and digital transformation of the process industry,and participate in the era tide of further promoting the development of”Made in China”.
Let data generate value and AI empower industry
“Optimized application of production operation and control based on artificial intelligence”
The appeal of AI applications in modern industrial sites is mainly for specific industrial scenarios,especially for complex and diverse operation problems.This sharing focuses on operational intelligence and hopes to help and replace people with AI technology to achieve”safe,stable,long,full and excellent”device operation.
Speaker:Zhang Yang,General Manager of Industrial Intelligence Technology Department of Central Control Technology
The report starts with the introduction of the background and methodology of the application of AI technology in the process industry,introduces the solution to achieve operational intelligence,and the breakthrough of three key technologies:intelligent control of complex production processes,mining and precipitation of operating experience,and autonomous optimization of the whole process of production and operation.Zhang Yang shared three application cases of the operation intelligence system developed based on InPlant IBD in the fields of chemical industry,building materials and new materials,and achieved good results in helping enterprises improve production efficiency and reduce operating costs.At the same time,it also shows the broad prospect of AI technology to realize production and operation intelligence,as well as the strong industrial AI application development capability of InPlant IBD.
Adhering to the 5T integration concept,the central control technology has always been committed to solving major problems in the process industry,focusing on the practical application of the process industry.The 5T team of Central Control Technology has confirmed that the intelligent application developed based on InPlant IBD can integrate data resources and release data value for customers,successfully solve problems such as low production efficiency,high operation cost and low automation level,and help the digital and intelligent transformation of the process industry.

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