Industry News

On November 22,2022,the World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China,the Chinese Academy of Engineering,the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province opened in Nanjing.As one of the special forums of the World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference,the Manufacturing Intelligent Decision Control(Industrial Software)Forum was successfully held in the Yangzi Hall of the Nanjing International Expo Conference Center on the afternoon of November 22.

This forum was hosted by the organizing committee of the World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference,and jointly hosted by Eperis(Jiangsu)Technology Development Co.,Ltd.and Nanjing Derui Enterprise Management Consulting Co.,Ltd.Leaders of national ministries and commissions,academicians of the CAE Member,experts and scholars of digital transformation,and guests from leading enterprises in the manufacturing industry gathered together.Focusing on the theme of”Lean management is the basis of intelligent control,and digital talent is the support for intelligent decision-making”,this paper discussed how industrial software can assist intelligent decision-making and empower the manufacturing industry from three levels of data value,business optimization value,and talent cultivation value of industrial software,Accelerate the process of digital transformation and intelligent development.

Zhao Yu,president of APRI Group,presided over the opening ceremony

1、Heavy Guests Discuss Industrial Software and Digital Transformation

Ye Meng,Director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Division of the First Division of Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,was invited to attend the sub-forum and delivered an opening speech,emphasizing the importance of innovative development of industrial software for digital transformation and intelligent transformation.Ms.Wang Hongyan,the initiator of the China Manufacturing International Forum and the chairman of Eperis Group,delivered a speech around the theme and background of the forum.Wang Hongyan said that lean management is a required course for Chinese manufacturing to move towards intelligent manufacturing.Manufacturing enterprises need to use lean thinking,technology,measures and methods to reduce costs and increase efficiency,and continue to improve,so that lean becomes a habit and system to support enterprise decision-making.The left hand uses lean technology to reduce waste,and the right hand uses digital technology to improve the level of the whole value chain.This is the only way that manufacturing enterprises can not go around to carry out digital transformation.

Ye Meng,Director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Division of the First Industrial Division of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,delivered an opening speech

Wang Hongyan,the initiator of the China Manufacturing International Forum and the chairman of Eperis Group,interprets the theme of the forum

Academician Li Peigen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering gave a speech on the theme of”Data and Software Awareness”,and carried out in-depth interpretation and sharing from the two levels of data-driven and software definition.Zhai Gengchuan,CTO of APRIX Group,shared with the theme of”Low Cost Decision”,and deeply explained how to use digital lean methods to serve the operation and management decisions of enterprises with data management as the core,data development and application as the content,and data analysis and mining as the means.

Li Bacon,academician of the CAE Member,delivered a keynote speech

Zhai Gengchuan,CTO of Abri Group,gave a keynote speech

Holger Kohl,senior director of IPK Institute of Fraunhofer Institute in Germany,introduced the trend and path of digital transformation of manufacturing industry from an international perspective in online form.Lin Jinbin,President of the Digital Application Research Institute of Nanjing Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,shared the practical experience of digital transformation driven by the dual wheel of”industrial Internet plus+data governance”of Nanjing Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.with the theme of”Exploration and Practice of a New Generation of Industrial Control Architecture”.Cao Jing,product director of Aston Automation Digital Center,was also invited as a keynote speaker to share Aston’s digital products and services.

Holger Kohl,Senior Director of IPK Institute of Fraunhofer Association,Germany,shares online

Lin Jinbin,President of Digital Application Research Institute of Nanjing Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,delivered a keynote speech

Cao Jing,Product Director of Aston Automation Digital Center

2、Launch ceremony&authoritative release

The 2023 Lean Digital Implementation Roadmap report jointly sponsored by the China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute and Tianjin Aibori Technology Development Co.,Ltd.was launched during the forum.Guo Nan,director of the Internet of Things Research Center of the China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute,delivered a speech and announced that the preparation of the report was officially started.The report aims to establish a scientific lean digitalization system,present the status quo of lean digitalization quantitatively through data collection and analysis,and further provide reliable theoretical support for manufacturing enterprises to develop lean digitalization.

Guo Nan,Director of the Internet of Things Research Center of the China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization

Launching ceremony of the report of”Lean Digital Implementation Roadmap”in 2023

The standard”Post Competency Requirements for Lean Digital Talents”,co-sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Talent Exchange Center and Abreu and prepared by more than 20 state-owned enterprises and universities,was grandly released at this forum.Cheng Yu,director of the Talent Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Talent Exchange Center,delivered a speech and announced the official release of the standard.The standard covers the main direction of lean digitalization and the elements of post capacity,the stage of improvement and the way of improvement,as well as the evaluation methods and grades of lean digitalization post capacity,and fills the gap in the evaluation standard of lean digitalization talents in China’s manufacturing industry.The release of standards and the implementation of relevant certification work will continue to deliver new talents with complex capabilities for the manufacturing industry,and support the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

Cheng Yu,Director of the Talent Development Division of the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Standard release ceremony

3、Follow the trend of industry-education integration and focus on digital talent training

Talent is the first resource to build a manufacturing power and an important support for intelligent decision-making.At this forum,Wang Yue,the vice president of Eberi Group,took”Lean Digital Talent Cultivation in the Digital Transformation Era”as the theme,interpreted the development trend of industry-education integration in manufacturing talent cultivation,and shared the innovative practice of lean digital talent cultivation in the form of cases.Zhang Jianyu,vice president,professor and doctoral supervisor of the Business School of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,shared the talent cultivation thinking and practice of lean digital capability building online.

Theme sharing by Wang Yue,Vice President of Abri Group

Zhang Jianyu,vice president,professor and doctoral supervisor of the Business School of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,shares online

4、Professional insight&round table dialogue

Li Zubin,chairman of Nanjing Derui Enterprise Management Consulting Co.,Ltd.and founder of the leading strategic theory of human resources,shared how to strengthen the talents and digital organizational capabilities of enterprises and accelerate the digital transformation through the construction of talent system with the theme of”Digital Talent Training Strategy”.In the round table dialogue,Li Zubin,as the host of the dialogue,gathered with Liu Xiaoqun,president of Jiangsu Talent Association,Party Secretary and Chairman of Jiangsu Jiuwu High-tech Co.,Ltd.,Party Jianbing,president of Nanjing Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute,Zhou Jungui,and Shen Hongwei,general manager of Boluwei Machinery Jiangsu Co.,Ltd.,to discuss in depth how intelligent manufacturing can promote the growth of enterprises against the trend.

The”Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”pointed out that the focus of economic development should be on the real economy,and that we should unswervingly build a manufacturing power,a quality power,a network power,and a digital China,promote the upgrading of the industrial base and the modernization of the industrial chain,and improve the economic quality,efficiency and core competitiveness.With the release of a number of national policy documents related to the industrial Internet,the development of industrial interconnection,data-driven and intelligent manufacturing provides an opportunity of the times.

In the face of such problems as weak comprehensive strength of domestic industrial software,insufficient independent innovation and lack of talents,how to combine information technology with traditional manufacturing,promote intelligent decision-making of enterprises,parks and regions through data collection,storage,analysis and application and promotion of scenarios,and promote the accelerated development of industrial Internet are the needs of industry,industry and industrial development,and also the key link of transformation,upgrading and high-quality development of manufacturing industry.

This forum focused on industrial software,integrated the global and China’s cutting-edge development trends,and carried out a warm exchange and ideological collision around the three levels of lean management,lean digital software and lean digital talent,aiming at accelerating the release of the data value,business optimization value and talent cultivation value of industrial software,giving full play to the”brain and nerve”role of modern industry,and contributing to the construction of a manufacturing power.

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