Industry News

Recently,the world’s authoritative research institute Interact Analysis released the”2022 Mobile Robot Market-2022″,which comprehensively analyzed and prospected the application status,market environment and development trend of mobile robots in the field of global storage and manufacturing.
The report points out that the mobile robot market will grow significantly in 2021,rebounding from the relatively weak 2020,and the shipment volume will increase by more than 70%.In the long run,labor scarcity,rising labor costs,e-commerce growth,and flexible manufacturing transformation will continue to drive the development of mobile robot market.It is expected that in the next five years,the shipment of mobile robots will continue to grow at an annual rate of about 50%,and the industry revenue will maintain an annual growth of 30%-40%.It is expected that by the end of 2027,the global deployment will reach 4 million units.
▲Revenue forecast of mobile robot industry by 2027(source:Interact Analysis report)
AMR market ushers in five golden years
Although both AMR and AGV are facing strong demand,the rapid popularization of AMR and its wider application scenarios will make the total revenue scale of AMR industry far exceed that of AGV.Interact Analysis predicts that by 2027,AMR(including QRbot)shipments will account for more than 90%of the total shipments of the mobile robot industry(AGVs&AMRs),and AMR revenue will account for more than 80%of the total revenue.
According to the report,as of 2021,Jizhijia still maintained the first position in the global AMR market share,ranking first for four consecutive years.
▲Global mobile robot market pattern in 2021(based on the arrangement and production of the 2022 Mobile Robot Market Report by Interact Analysis)
Application of mobile robots in storage and industrial manufacturing
In the report,Interact Analysis carried out a detailed market analysis of the warehouse logistics robot and industrial logistics robot markets around the two major application scenarios of order fulfillment and material handling:
▲The Interact Analysis report analyzes the warehousing logistics robot and industrial logistics robot in detail
Warehouse logistics robot for order fulfillment center
According to the analysis of Interact Analysis,although the epidemic has caused some project delays,the deployment of AMRs for Order Fulfillment in 2021 is even higher than the sum of the previous two years.It is estimated that by 2027,the deployment of warehousing and logistics robots will account for 73%of the total deployment of mobile robot headquarters,indicating that the robot market has strong market demand and growth momentum,and has broad prospects for future development.
According to the report,in 2021,Jizhijia won the first place in the global warehousing and logistics robot market in terms of business scale,with market share more than twice that of the second place,and became the largest warehousing and logistics robot company in the world with absolute leading advantage.
▲Jizhijia provides a full range of robot products,and has become the world’s largest warehousing and logistics robot company with absolute leadership
Industrial logistics robot for material handling
Interact Analysis predicts that by 2025,the market size of material handling AGV and AMR will reach 11 billion dollars,and by the end of 2027,the deployment of material handling robots will exceed 1 million.
Jizhijia won the”Double Crown”
Continue to lead the industry
Based on the 2022 Mobile Robot Market Report,Jizhijia won the first place in the global AMR market share and the first place in the global warehouse logistics robot market share by virtue of its excellent business performance in 2021,further consolidating its position as an industry leader.
Especially in the field of warehousing and logistics,Jizhijia has built an absolute leading advantage.On the one hand,Jizhijia continues to carry out product innovation based on the customer’s scenario needs,and has created a full range of storage robots and solutions,covering from standard shelf-to-person solutions,the new generation shelf-to-person solutions PopPick,to the SkyPick solution that combines stereo storage and goods to people picking,which can accurately meet customer needs.
On the other hand,with the support of Jizhijia’s intelligent algorithm and intelligent warehouse management system,these solutions help customers achieve efficient and stable intelligent warehouse logistics and realize value landing.The repurchase,high satisfaction and high reputation of customers have constantly consolidated the leading position of Jizhijia,thus continuing to lead the warehousing and logistics market.In the future,driven by product innovation and customer supremacy,Jizhijia will continue to maintain rapid growth and help more global enterprises achieve logistics intelligent upgrading.
About Interact Analysis
Interact Analysis is the market intelligence authority for global technology research,and its Mobile Robot Market Report released every year is also a high standard authority”wind vane”in the field of mobile robots.Interact Analysis deeply studies the real data of the market through a perfect scientific and technological market research system,analyzes the development status,market share and development trend of the global mobile robot market in detail,and forms a profound insight into the industry.

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