T8300 ICS TRIPLEX Trusted Expander Chassis

T8300 ICS TRIPLEX Trusted Expander Chassis

T8300 ICS TRIPLEX Trusted Expander Chassis

Brand Name ICS Triplex
Model T8300
Product type N/M
Condition New
Gross Weight 1kg
Packing Size 12.6″ x 7.9″ x 8.8″ (30 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm)
Country of Origin USA
Lead Time In Stock
Shipping Port Xiamen
Payment T/T
Sales Price Inquiry
Color Depends on material
Warranty 12 months
Lead time 3-7 work days
Courier partners FedEx,DHL, UPS, TNTand EMS

T8300 ICS TRIPLEX Trusted Expander Chassis

T8300 ICS TRIPLEX Trusted Expander Chassis

Brand Name ICS Triplex
Model T8300
Product type N/M
Condition New
Gross Weight 1kg
Packing Size 12.6″ x 7.9″ x 8.8″ (30 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm)
Country of Origin USA
Lead Time In Stock
Shipping Port Xiamen
Payment T/T
Sales Price Inquiry
Color Depends on material
Warranty 12 months
Lead time 3-7 work days
Courier partners FedEx,DHL, UPS, TNTand EMS

T8300 Trusted 40 Channel Analogue Input FTA
Product Overview
The Trusted® 40 Channel Analogue Input Field Termination Assembly (FTA) T8830 is designed to act
as the main interface between a field device generating an analogue signal and the Trusted TMR
Analogue Input Module T8300.
• 40 input channels per FTA.
• Industry standard field device connections (2-wire).
• Standard DIN rail compatibility.
• Simple installation and connection.
• 24 Vdc operation.
• SmartSlot connection for ‘one to many’ hot replacement of input modules.
• Fused field power supply per channel.
• On-board Light Emitting Diode (LED) indication of field power supply integrity.

T8300 Installation
Trusted 40 Channel Analogue Input FTA T8830 is designed to be mounted on either of the
TS32 or TS35 DIN rails in the horizontal or vertical positions as required.

T8160   Serial Ports
There are two connectors available to access the RS232 ports. Bank 1 provides a full RS232
interface. Bank 2 provides a partial RS232 interface with connections limited to TX, RX, RTS
and CTS.

Serial Ports
1. There are eight connectors available to directly access the four RS485 ports. Banks 1
and 2 cannot be used in the RS485 mode if the Trusted Communication Interface is
configured for RS232 on these ports.
2. The RS485 ports are provided with two connectors per port. Each port is provided
with link selectable 120 Ω alternating current (ac) termination on both the transmit
and receive circuits as shown in the table below.
3. The ac coupled termination is used so as to reduce the current drawn on the
transmission line during the idle state. The use of two connectors and link selectable
termination is to make the configuration of multiplexed transmission lines simpler.
This method also provides the termination close to the transceivers thus avoiding
unnecessary reflections on the line.
2.3. Examples
This is a point to point 4 wire link. The connections to the Termination Assembly should be
to Connector 1 with the TX/RX Termination link fitted.
This is the most complicated system.
If the Termination Assembly is at the start of the multiplexed chain then Connector 1 is used
and the TX/RX Termination link is fitted.
If the Termination Assembly is in the chain then the Connector 1 is used to connect the
chain in and connector 2 is used to wire out to the next device. No links are fitted for this
If the Termination Assembly is the last device in the chain Connector 1 is used and both the
TX Termination Link and the TX/RX Termination Link are fitted. The TX Termination link is
used here so that both ends of the line with multiple transmitters connected are
RS485 Half Duplex Multiplexed
This is the 2 wires 485 system that is only wired on the RX/TX wires.
If the Termination Assembly is at the start or end of the transmission line Connector 1 is
used and the TX/RX Termination link is fitted.
If the Termination Assembly is in the transmission line then Connector 1 is used to connect
the chain in and Connector 2 is used to wire out to the next device. No links are fitted for
this port.
2.4. RS485 Hints
The signal ground on the RS485 links must always be connected otherwise the
communications between the devices may be unreliable. When specifying cable for these
connections allowance should be made for the signal ground connection. If screened cable
is used the signal ground should not be connected to the screen. It is usual to connect the
screen to the chassis earth at one end only.
Some manufacturers tend to use + and – designations on their equipment for labelling the
pairs. Since there is no standard as to how these match up with the EIA circuit designators
the following may be useful:
With the transmission line in the ‘Idle’ or ‘Off’ state connect a multimeter on the
volts range across the pair. When the multimeter reads a negative voltage the +ve
terminal of the multimeter is connected to A and the –ve terminal is connected to B.
2.5. Ethernet ports
Ethernet ports 1 (TCP/IP 0) on J6 and 2 (TCP/IP 1) on J8 are provided with connections to
10/100BaseT networks via RJ45 connectors.

T8300C Trusted Expander Processor
T9801 Digital input TA 16 channel, simplex commoned
T9310-02 Backplane expansion cable, 2 metre
T9882 Analogue output TA 8 channel, dual, isolated
T9191 Blanking cover (al) for I0 positions with no TA ftted
T9030 OPC portal server
T8312-4C Trusted Expander Interface Adaptor – 4 Way
T9832 Analogue input TA 16 channel, dual, isolated
T8312-7C Trusted Expander Interface Adaptor – 7 Way
T9833 Analogue input TA 16 channel, TMR, isolated
T9802 Digital input TA 16 channel, dual, isolated
T9881 Analogue output TA 8 channel, simplex isolated
T8300C Trusted Expander Chassis
T8123C Trusted TMR Processor Interface Adaptor, (IRG-B and MODBUS Master)
T8122C Trusted TMR Processor Interface Adaptor (MODBUS Master)
T9852 Digital output TA 24Vdc, 8 channel, dual, commoned
T8153C Trusted Communication Interface Adaptor
T8121C Trusted TMR Processor Interface Adaptor (IRIG_-B)
T8111C Trusted TMR Processor
T9803 Digital input TA 16 channel, TMR, isolated
T8311C Trusted Expander Interface
T9851 Digital output TA 24Vdc, 8 channel, simplex, commoned
T9831 Analogue input TA 16 channel, simplex, commoned
T8100C Trusted Controller Chassis
T9083U IEC 61131 Workbench, USB key, multiple controllers
T9082U IEC 61131 Workbench, USB key, single user, single controller
T9082D IEC 61131 Workbench, hard disk key, single user, single controller
T9901 AAdvance 20 Replacement In fuse 50mA
T9083D IEC 61131 Workbench, hard disk key, multiple controllers
T9084U IEC 61131 Workbench, 5 user USB key, multiple controllers
T9902 AAdvance 20 Replacement Out fuse 10A
T9482 Analogue output module, 8 channel, isolated
T9193 Blanking cover (short) for I0 positions with TA or a Processor
T8151C Trusted Communication Interface
T8120C Trusted TMR Processor Interface Adaptor
T9100 Processor base unit
T9300 /O base unit
T9110 Processor module
T9401 Digital input module, 24Vdc, 8 channel, isolated
T9402 Digital input module, 24Vdc, 16 channel, isolated
T9451 Digital output module, 24Vdc, 8 channel, commoned
T9431 Analogue input module, 8 channel, isolated
T9432 Analogue input module, 16 channel, isolated
T9481 Analogue output module, 3 channel, isolated
T8314C Trusted Fibre TX RX Unit
T8403C Trusted TMR 24V dc Digital Input一40 channel
T8431C Trusted TMR Analogue Input一40 channel
T8451C Trusted TMR 24V dc Digital Output一40 channel
T8461C Trusted TMR 24/48V dc Digital Output – 40 channel
T8472C T8472 Trusted TMR 120VAC Digital Output Module
T8480C Trusted TMR Analogue Output – 40 channel
T8442C Trusted Speed Monitor
T8800C Trusted 40 channel 24V dc Digital Input FTA
T8830C Trusted 40 channel Analogue Input FTA
T8850C Trusted 40 channel Analogue or Digital Output FTA
T8231 Trusted 9 channel Speed Input FTA
T8891C Trusted 2 channel High Integrity Relay Output FTA
T8290C Output Power Distribution Module
T8292C Power Distribution Unit, MCB 24V dc
T8293C Power Distribution Module 15 Way Fuse
T8191 Trusted Shield, (For 1/0 and Communication Modules一Single Slot)- Pack of 6
T8193 Trusted Shield (For Controller Module一Triple Slot)一Pack of 2
T8194 Shroud Kit for T8290 or T8297
T8270 24V dc Fan Assembly, Rack Mounting (Includes 1-off T8273)
T8271 Trusted Fan Tray 24V dc Roof Mounted
T8272 Trusted Vent & Bafle Unit for Fan Assembly
T8273 Grill for Fan Assembly, Rack Mounting
T8380 Chassis Panel Rear Mounting Kit
T8901 VFTA Fuse/L ink Pack (10 off 50MA 10 off 315MA& 10 off 2A)
T8902 FTA 40 channel, Fuse Pack (10 off 50MA)
T8903 FTA 60 channel, Fuse Pack (10 off 50MA)
TC-001-02-1M5 Chassis Power cable, 1 .5m (5ft)
TC-001-02-2M5 Chassis Power cable, 2.5m (8ft)
TC-001-02-6M5 Chassis Power cable, 6.0m (20ft)
TC-002-02-2M5 Power cable T8292 to T8293, 2.5 metre (8ft)
TC-003-02-2M5 Power cable T8293 and input FTA 25m (8ft)
TC-011-02-1M5 Fan Power cable, 1 .5m (5t)
TC-011-02-4M5 Fan Power cable, 4 5m (15f)
TC-011-02-6M0 Fan Power cable, 6 0m (20ft)
TC-201-02-2M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Input to FTA 2M5 8ft, PVC
TC-201-02-4M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Input to FTA 4M516ft, PVC
TC-201-02-6M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Input to FTA 6M5, 21ft, PVC
TC-201-02-8M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Input to FTA 8M5, 28ft, PVC
TC-201-02-10M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Input to F TA 10M5, 34t, PVC
TC-201-02-12M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Input to FTA 12M5, 40ft, PVC
TC-203-02-4M5 IO Companion Slot, External, 40 channel Input to FTA 4M5
TC-203-02-6M5 IO Companion Slot, External, 40 channel Input to FTA 6M5
TC-203-02-8M5 IO Companion Slot, External, 40 channel Input to FTA 8M5
TC-203-02-10M5 IO Companion Slot, External, 40 channel Input to FTA 10M5
TC-203-02-12M5 IO Companion Slot, External, 40 channel Input to FTA 12M5
TC-205-02-4M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Output to FTA 4M5
TC-205-02-6M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Output to FTA 6M5
TC-205-02-8M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Output to FTA 8M5
TC-205-02-10M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Output to FTA 10M5
TC-205-02-12M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Output to FTA 12M5
TC-215-02-4M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Output to FTA 4M5
TC-215-02-6M5 IO Companion Slot, Internal, 40 channel Output to FTA 6M5
TC-215-02-8M5 Trusted Cable
TC-215-02-10M5 Trusted Cable
TC-215-02-12M5 Trusted Cable
TC-301-02-2M0 Local Expansion Cable, 2.0m(6.5 ft)
TC-301-02-2M5 Local Expansion Cable, 2.5m (8 ft)
TC-301-02-4M5 Local Expansion Cable, 4.5m(15 ft)
TC-301-02-6M5 Local Expansion Cable, 6.5m (21t)
TC-302-02-4M0 Remote Expander Cable (Controller End), 4.0m (13 ft)
TC-303-02 4M0 Remote Expander Cable (Expander End), 4.0m (13 ft)
TC-304-01 Trusted Remote Expansion Cable Exp End
TC-311-02 Local Expansion Cable Assembly, 1 way (2M0)
TC-312-02 Local Expansion Cable Assembly, 2 way (2M0 & 2M5)
TC-313-02 Local Expansion Cable Assembly, 3 way (2MO, 2M5 & 3M0)
TC-314-02-2M5 Expander Extension Cable, Single Slice
TC-801-02-4M5 IO Companion Slot, Speed Monitor to FTA (internal), 4M5
TC-801-02-6M5 IO Companion Slot, Speed Monitor to FTA (internal), 6M5
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