New product express|ifm mate worker assistant system,manual assembly can also achieve zero error!

The most painful thing in life is eating instant noodles without seasoning bags,disassembling the building blocks without instructions,and missing one piece of jigsaw puzzle at the end…Although with the improvement of the factory automation level,the probability of these conditions is becoming lower and lower,but for the production of multiple categories of products,manual assembly is still required,and the product has high quality requirements,and for the manufacturer with zero tolerance for errors,A set of easy-to-operate worker assistance system is the best choice.

IFM felt this need in the process of packaging sensors.Sensors,operating instructions,installation accessories,etc.,should be guaranteed to never make mistakes every time they are packaged.At the same time,it is better to have a system that can provide independent training for new employees.Thus,the ifm mate worker assistance system came into being.

Ifm mate is a complete solution.Its core is a camera with both 2D and 3D functions and a computer host pre-installed with powerful algorithms.It uses artificial intelligence to detect the exact position,height and direction of human hands,and intuitively guides workers on the workstation to complete the whole process through the display.

The biggest difference from the existing solutions on the market is that the use of ifm mate is simple and flexible:it does not need any additional accessories,such as tracking wrist strap and sensing gloves,and it is easy to set for any manual activities.

At present,ifm’s tetnam production base is already using this auxiliary system.If workers forget to package a product,the system will alert employees through the display screen and external alarm light.The workers will confirm the error through ifm capacitive touch proximity switch.After correction,the system will stop the alarm and resume work.

Have you felt the powerful charm of this system in the field of manual assembly?Now let’s review and summarize the advantages of the system.

Benefits at a glance

Continuous high level of product quality

Compared with automated processes,ensuring the quality of manual work has always been a challenge.However,customer complaints can be effectively prevented through the ifm mate worker assistance system.

Rapid on-the-job training and flexible staff arrangement

Ifm mate can assist production staff through various work instructions(such as video instructions)on the display.This can achieve fully automatic employee training and flexible deployment of employees from different workstations.

Work without complicated accessories

Due to the combination of 2D and 3D technology for hand recognition,the worker assistance system does not need any other accessories,such as VR goggles or tracking wrist strap.This greatly improves the comfort of workers and is easy to be accepted by them.

Ifm mate can adapt to your needs,not let you adapt to it

Customize the workflow easily and flexibly in the software.For example,the operation sequence can be preset or workers can operate in any order.This ensures that the working process can be continuously optimized.

Data can be interconnected with other systems

With REST-API,you can directly integrate ifm-mate into your digital order management and quality assurance process.

From ifm-based on own production experience

The origin of R&D is our own production needs.At present,we have operated it in the assembly process of sensors,which is another step towards Industry 4.0.

The goal of moving towards Industry 4.0 is always to make machines better help people mate simplifies the complex assembly work and avoids the error rate that will inevitably be exported by human.We also expect to see that this system can help some friends who lack the ability to work due to their physical lack to return to their to you!

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