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As common mechanical parts,fasteners are widely used in energy,electronics,electrical appliances,machinery,chemical,metallurgy,mold,hydraulic and other industries.It is characterized by a wide variety of specifications,different performance and use,and a high degree of standardization,serialization and generalization.

Defects such as cracks,corrosion,pits and artificial damage will seriously threaten the safety and reliability of the existing structure if the fasteners appear during work.Take the automobile in daily life as an example,if the fastener connecting the key parts of the automobile fails due to corrosion and fracture,it will be the automobile failure at the light level,and the casualties at the heavy level.

In order to avoid accidents,fasteners must have high quality,high stability and high durability.Therefore,surface defect detection is a very important link in the process of fastener processing and manufacturing.An auto parts supplier is a key auto repair and maintenance solution supplier in China.Previously,it mainly relied on human detection,and introduced several sets of AI intelligent detection equipment for fastener defects.This equipment carries out all-round appearance defect detection and key dimension detection for fasteners through self-developed deep learning algorithm and machine vision to improve the detection rate.

Pain spot pulse diagnosis:many varieties and specifications,low efficiency of manual visual inspection,high labor cost

For a long time,automotive fasteners have been characterized by a wide variety of types and specifications.Fasteners are mainly divided into 11 categories,while the standard automotive parts products have about 240 commonly used standards,including lumen plugging elements,pipeline connection fasteners,washers,screws,nuts,bolts,etc.According to the data,the fasteners used for a car account for 40%of the total parts of the car,and at least 5000 fasteners are used for a light vehicle or car.The specific structure and shape of each type of parts are different,and the key points of defect detection are also different.

At present,most automobile fastener manufacturers still complete the quality inspection by the traditional”manual visual inspection”method.Meeting the inspection requirements of tens of thousands of specifications of products requires a lot of human resources.It is not only inefficient,but also easy to cause visual fatigue of inspectors.The defect detection rate is low,and the product quality cannot be guaranteed.

Solution:AI algorithm enables intelligent detection

In response to the above problems,Shuzhilian has built an AI intelligent detection device for fastener defects using deep learning+machine vision technology,which is applicable to the detection of most fastener appearance defects.It can scan fasteners at high speed,conduct real-time image analysis,and automatically and accurately detect various surface defects.

In view of the core pain points such as long manual visual inspection time and low detection rate,the intelligent AI detection equipment for fastener defects based on the industry-leading AI algorithm has collected many successful landing experiences in the automobile industry and massive data of automobile parts defects to achieve the refined classification of defects,classify products,classify qualified and unqualified products,and clearly locate the defect area,Help engineers to quickly analyze defects and improve the manufacturing process.

Aiming at the problem that fasteners have a wide range of specifications and need frequent replacement,the AI intelligent detection equipment for fastener defects is compatible with more than ten products and can detect more than 30 kinds of defects.Through AI model,the equipment can be compatible with multi-angle and multi-type parts,realize minimal programming,quickly switch products,and reduce the time of product change.

The 9 cameras built in the equipment carry out all-round inspection on fasteners to ensure that there is no missing inspection area.The precise visual module design can quickly and efficiently detect the defects of fasteners such as burr,dirt,ring pattern,etc.The transparent round glass turntable is automatically loaded with a vibrating plate.The machine is designed with high stability,high precision and high efficiency.

Project effect:intelligent upgrade of production line and 99%defect detection rate

After the factory launched the AI intelligent detection equipment for fastener defects,the nut detection efficiency was increased to 140 pcs/min,and the valve stem detection efficiency was increased to 70 pcs/min through the all-weather production of the high stability vibration disc,which improved the detection efficiency and realized the replacement of a large number of manpower.

On the quality inspection line,the AI intelligent detection equipment for fastener defects is easy to operate,can quickly and accurately detect the location,size,width,depth,etc.of fastener defects,and display them in real time in the form of images,and classify and grade the defect areas according to the actual needs of customers,which is highly praised by the quality inspection personnel.At present,the defect detection rate of the production line is not less than 99%,and the missed detection rate is not more than 0.05%,which greatly improves the defect detection rate and realizes the intelligent upgrade of the production line.

With the upgrading of industrial manufacturing intelligence and the emergence of emerging industries such as wind power,photovoltaic and new energy,the domestic fastener market demand is also increasing.The AI intelligent detection equipment for fastener defects of the number of couplets not only supports the automotive industry,but also can be used in the production and quality inspection of fasteners in high-precision industries such as new energy,ships,machinery,etc.,to improve the quality with”intelligence”.

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