Industry News

Logistics is as fast as air drop!Receive express delivery like delivery.
This year’s Double 11,many people are lamenting that the seller is just waiting for you to pay the balance at the express station.Different from previous years,many express companies have launched the pre-sale express service this year.When the buyer pays the deposit,the purchased goods have been delivered in advance to the nearest express outlet to the delivery address”waiting”.After the balance is paid,the site will immediately deliver goods and realize”minute delivery”.
With the arrival of the new retail era,consumers’demand for purchasing experience has gradually increased,and the explosion of online orders continues to promote the optimization of modern logistics.This also shows that enterprises must ensure user experience in all aspects if they want to run a good reputation.
How does Jin Shengyang improve the user experience?The e-commerce self-operated platform( officially launched in 2020,and the flagship store of Tmall platform was launched in 2021.Through two years of rapid development,Jinshengyang has realized one-stop shopping on the platform,insisted on providing consumers with non-discriminatory and cost-effective shopping services,and provided various preferential points activities to further improve the consumer experience.
Jinshengyang flagship store
Enter Jinshengyang flagship store(,and you can see a series of products including chassis power supply,rail power supply,etc.Looking at the evaluation of each product,”delivery speed”and”quality service”have become important concerns.And the latest comment is:”It feels very thick,the materials are very solid,the symbols are very clear,and it is a reliable product at first sight”.
What users need is what Jin Shengyang is committed to solving.
Products on sale
In Jin Shengyang’s view,consumer praise is not only an encouragement,but also a driving force behind it.For a long time,Jinshengyang has generated high-frequency interaction with users through online retail.For example,in the environment of high humidity and dust pollution that plagues users,Jinshengyang has introduced a new fanless semi-filled rubber casing power supply;For example,due to the failure of conventional products caused by voltage fluctuation,Jinshengyang launched the”305 full working condition”shell switch power supply series,and the mall will also introduce a new 1500W high power density switch power supply to meet the needs of users in more application scenarios.
Delivery date
Another example is the delivery date that users are most concerned about.All goods in Jinshengyang Self-operated Mall are provided with double-warehouse delivery,including brand self-operated warehouse and local warehouse.According to local conditions,customers can choose the local warehouse for delivery according to their needs,and receive products in a shorter time;The Tmall flagship store also meets the requirements that orders paid before 12:00 on the working day are sent from Guangzhou or Huaihua on the same day(except for special circumstances).The orders of Jinshengyang Online Mall are sent by SF Logistics,which can not only receive goods faster,but also be safer and more secure.
Service integrity
In addition to product and logistics delivery,users also attach great importance to the integrity of services,and even the response speed of online customer service is enough to affect the decision of ordering.In this regard,Jinshengyang adopts the user-oriented”3+1→1″service model.Before sales,the R&D end evaluates the application environment and provides customized services;During sales,QE and the sales end provide technical guidance for the application process;After sales,a more powerful FAE team covers the”T+4″hour service circle and accurately responds to user needs.
The development of online e-commerce platform injects new vitality into Jinshengyang’s marketing,and users’needs keep pace with the times,which is also the fundamental reason why Jinshengyang keeps innovating and adapting to users’new needs.In the future,Jinshengyang will continue to explore and innovate the operation form of online shopping mall,adhere to the”good product”+”good service”two hands,far better than the one-stop service of the same industry,and move towards a more convenient digital platform!

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