Industry News

The National Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and the 2035 Vision put forward China’s dual-carbon goal.In order to achieve this goal,the new energy vehicle industry development plan(2021-2035)issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed that by 2025,the sales of new energy vehicles will reach about 20%of the total sales of new vehicles.Major automobile brands at home and abroad have also given their own timetable for the withdrawal of fuel vehicles from the market.Major automobile manufacturers have fully started the development of electrification.Under this development background,the relevant laws and regulations of electric vehicles and the performance of the whole vehicle have increasingly improved the technical requirements for parts and components,and the requirements for the performance test of the vehicle powertrain are also increasingly strict.
As the key components of the electric vehicle,the performance parameters,control accuracy and reliability of the drive motor and powertrain system of the electric vehicle directly affect the power,economy and comfort of the whole vehicle.The bench test can not only accurately measure the performance of the motor system in real time,but also calibrate and measure its control parameters online;Based on the motor test bench or powertrain test bench,the simulation of road cycle test conditions of the whole vehicle can be realized,so as to shorten the development and test cycle and reduce the development and test risks and costs;Therefore,the dynamometer bench test of new energy vehicles for testing the drive motor system of electric vehicles is becoming more and more critical in the development of new energy vehicles.
The dynamometer bench of new energy vehicles is mainly used for routine performance test,durability and load test of new energy vehicles’drive motors,generators,powertrain and their controllers,as well as other user-developed research tests(such as motor development,test,comparison and other tests),to provide hardware test data for users’independent research and development of electric vehicle projects,assist users to improve design schemes,verify product performance,etc.
In order to realize the comprehensive and effective analysis of the performance parameters of the motor system,it is necessary to ensure the real-time and synchronization of the data measured by different equipment;Therefore,the high-speed communication bus EtherCAT is used to integrate the data measured by the battery simulator and power analyzer into the bench software control system.The real-time synchronous measurement and recording of all measured data can be realized through the time benchmark of the software control system,which can ensure the timeliness consistency of the data.
In this project,Tiantuo Sifang provided the customer with a common DC bus scheme based on the overall drive system of Siemens SINAMICS S120+SIMOTICS Motor and ALM+MM can feed back to the grid;The drive system controller CU320-2 realizes the seamless and fast data exchange between the drive and control system by configuring the EtherCAT bus card and communicating directly with the upper control system of the dynamometer;By configuring the integrated safety functions of SIRIUS series safety control products and S120 drive system,the whole system can achieve the safety functions of preventing the dynamometer system from accidental startup and Class 1 shutdown specified in EN 60204‑1.
The dynamometer bench is axle coupling type,which can be directly connected with the tested equipment.In cooperation with the 4Q control of the test system,it can more realistically simulate different road conditions,so that the system can complete a variety of vehicle simulation test cycles,such as:standard driving cycle,ECE/EG,NEDC,FTP,and high-acceleration real driving cycle.
After the project is put into operation,the customer has done a variety of test cycles to provide data support for the customer’s research and development of new models,accelerate the user’s new vehicle research and development progress,and accelerate the launch of new vehicles.

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