Industry News

In the afternoon of December 28,the”2022 Semiconductor Technology Development and Talent Training Innovation Forum and the New Book Publishing Conference of A Brief History of Semiconductors”,jointly guided by the China Semiconductor Industry Association and the Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education and Electronic Information Specialty,was successfully held online.
Liu Yuanchao,Deputy Secretary-General of the China Semiconductor Industry Association,Guo Rui,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Machinery Industry Information and Chief Editor of the Machinery Industry Press,Ji Yang,Researcher of the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Zhao Weisheng,Executive Vice President of the Graduate School of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Zhou Qi,Professor of the University of Electronic Science and Technology,Wang Qi,author of A Brief History of Semiconductors,and more than 500 online readers participated in the meeting.
Liu Yuanchao,Deputy Secretary-General of China Semiconductor Industry Association,and Guo Rui,Secretary of the Party Committee of China Machinery Industry Information Research Institute,delivered speeches on behalf of the conference’s guiding units and sponsors.Liu Yuanchao said that the current semiconductor industry has become the core driving force of economic and social development and an important pillar of world economic development with its strong innovation,integration,driving force and permeability.Benefiting from consumer electronics,carbon neutrality and other factors,the semiconductor industry,as the bottom support of the digital economy,has maintained rapid growth in the context of the global economy being hit hard.Since its establishment in 1990 for more than 30 years,the China Semiconductor Industry Association has been strengthening its own construction,improving its service capacity and level,serving as a bridge and link between enterprises and the government,domestic and foreign industries,and creating a good external environment for the development of the industry.At the same time,he fully affirmed the Machinery Industry Press’s efforts to stick to its original intention and take responsibility for many years,as well as the numerous scientific and technological books with great social influence published over the years,and congratulated the publishing of the latest blockbuster book”A Brief History of Semiconductors”planned and published by the Machinery Industry Press.Guo Rui pointed out that the semiconductor industry,as the bottom support of the digital era,has become an important field that affects the development of modern economic society and ensures the national information security.It is urgent to promote the high-quality development of the semiconductor industry and enhance the ability of independent innovation.Founded in 1952,as the first science and technology publishing house after the founding of the People’s Republic of China,the Machine Press has gone through 70 years of development.For many years,the Machine Press has been based on the field of science and technology,and has always been committed to promoting industrial technological progress and the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge.In the face of the bottleneck of the development of China’s semiconductor industry,the Machinery Industry Society actively joined forces with various resources to jointly launch this conference,hoping to deeply aggregate high-quality resources through this conference and contribute its own strength to the promotion of China’s strategic independence of the chip semiconductor industry.
In the report section of the conference,a total of five experts made a thematic report on semiconductor technology innovation,industrial development and talent cultivation.The contents are as follows:Liu Yuanchao,Deputy Secretary-General of China Semiconductor Industry Association,made a report entitled”Current situation and development trend of the global semiconductor industry”,in which he analyzed the current situation of the semiconductor industry from multiple dimensions,as well as the current competitive situation and development opportunities of China’s semiconductor industry;Ji Yang,a researcher at the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Secretary-General of the Professional Committee of Semiconductor Physics of the Chinese Physical Society,made a report entitled”Basic research and discipline development of semiconductor physics”.Ji Yang introduced the key figures,events and major theoretical breakthroughs in the history of semiconductor physics starting from the physics revolution in the 20th century,and described the historical evolution of semiconductor physics;Zhao Weisheng,Executive Vice President of the Graduate School of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education,and IEEE Fellow,made a report entitled”Some Thoughts on the Cultivation of Integrated Circuit Talents”,and shared some thoughts and practical experience on the cultivation of integrated circuit talents over the years from the university level;Zhou Qi,a professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology,made a report entitled”Development Status and Trend of Wide Band Gap Power Semiconductor”.In the report,he introduced the current status of technology and industry development of GaN and SiC power semiconductors,and analyzed the technical advantages and current challenges of GaN and SiC.Wang Qi,the author of A Brief History of Semiconductors,made a report entitled”Seventy years of semiconductors-restoring the truth of history and building the cornerstone of the future of mankind”.He took the history of the development of the semiconductor industry as the main line,introduced the overall picture of the semiconductor industry,and interpreted the key events therein to gain insight into the future development of semiconductors.
In the link of experts’connection,five experts participated online and connected with the host respectively to jointly discuss hot topics such as semiconductor technology innovation,industrial development and talent training.Liu Yuanchao,Deputy Secretary-General,said that due to the high threshold of post skills,the contradiction between supply and demand of structural talents in the semiconductor industry has been very prominent.In April this year,the China Semiconductor Industry Association and the Student Service and Quality Development Center of the Ministry of Education jointly created the”Core Star Program”,which aims to focus on the two core issues of college graduates’skills improvement and pre-job training for employees of integrated circuit enterprises.Through the extensive participation of integrated circuit enterprises,we can jointly build and share the training results,help integrated circuit enterprises open up the talent channel of colleges and universities,and reduce the cost of pre-job training for individual enterprises.President Zhao Weisheng believed that colleges and universities should improve from the following three aspects:the construction of tutor team,the change of talent training program and mode,and the strengthening of the ability construction of internship practice,and shared the implementation experience of the”excellent engineer”program of Beihang.Teacher Ji Yang said in the connection that semiconductor physics is an important foundation for semiconductor research,and its scientific research prospects are bright but the road is tortuous.Therefore,colleges and universities should pay attention to the teaching of semiconductor physics,especially experimental teaching,strengthen industrial communication,and do not build cars behind closed doors.Professor Zhou Qi introduced the application challenges of GaN power devices.He said that the self-heating effect of GaN power devices is still obvious in application,so long-term reliability is a potential problem.Secondly,due to the large redundancy design,the chip area of devices will be large,resulting in increased costs.When talking about wide band gap semiconductor materials,Professor Zhou said that although it has advantages in pressure resistance,it still has a long way to go for application due to its own heat dissipation and other problems.Teacher Wang Qi believes that objectively,the development of RISC-V has a long way to go.At present,the technical advantages of RISC-V are not obvious from the perspective of performance and ecology,but its easiness and openness make more young people willing to learn RISC-V and invest in this field,which will support it along the way.At the same time,Mr.Wang shared the original intention and ideas of the book A Brief History of Semiconductors.
In the release of the new book,Secretary Guo Rui and author Wang Qi of A Brief History of Semiconductors jointly launched the release ceremony to congratulate the official release of the new book.This book provides an overview of the development process of the entire semiconductor industry chain from the perspective of a bystander.It is a popular science book suitable for all people to read.The book was jointly recommended by Chen Zuoning,academician of the CAE Member,Hu Yangzhong,president of Hikvision,Feng Dengguo,academician of the CAS Member,Hou Mingjuan,global vice president of Qualcomm and other industry experts.After the release of the new book,Liu Yuanchao,the Deputy Secretary-General of China Semiconductor Industry Association,Deng Cheng,the Secretary-General of the Teaching Steering Committee for Electronic and Information Specialty in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education,Wang Longji,the Honorary Secretary-General of China Electronics Industry Association,Cai Yimao,the Dean of the School of Integrated Circuits of Peking University,Sun Chenghua,the General Manager of Haikang Storage,Cao Canyu,the Executive Vice President of Changxin Storage,and many other experts,as well as the President of the Computer Branch of the Mechanical Industry Press Shi Jing,the editor of the book A Brief History of Semiconductors,released a review video,interpreting the significance of the publication of A Brief History of Semiconductors from multiple perspectives,and highly praised and fully affirmed the book.
With the help of this conference,Mechanical Industry Publishing hopes to build a platform for communication and learning for all sectors of industry,university,research and use,and work with all sectors to jointly promote the pace of China’s semiconductor industry towards high-quality development.At the same time,I hope that the publication of A Brief History of Semiconductors can popularize semiconductor knowledge for the public,enable more people to pay attention to and participate in the work of promoting the development of the semiconductor industry,and contribute to the development of China’s semiconductor industry.

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