Industry News

In order to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and promote the high-quality development of the industrial software industry chain,the”Fifth China Core Technology Innovation and Development Summit”was held in Nanjing on the afternoon of November 23,2022.The theme of this summit was”Cultivate the industrial basic software ecology to build the digital cornerstone of modern industry”,hosted by Yuhuatai District People’s Government,China(Nanjing)Software Valley Management Committee,Yihui Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Jiangsu Provincial Computer Society Undertaken by China Open Source Software Promotion Alliance and other units.

The summit received the attention and support of leaders at all levels of the competent departments,including Chi Yu,member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology,Zhang Lianchun,secretary of the Yuhuatai District Party Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the China(Nanjing)Software Valley,Sun Zhonghua,director of the China(Nanjing)Software Valley Management Committee,Dai Jishang,deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology,and Zhang Wei,director of the Software and Information Services Division of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology,Zhang Jianshe,member of the Standing Committee of the Yuhuatai District Committee and Executive Deputy District Chief,Pan Yongtao,member of the Standing Committee of the Yuhuatai District Committee and Deputy District Chief,Zhu Tianyan,vice chairman of the Yuhuatai District CPPCC and director of the District Development and Reform Commission,Wang Zhe,director of the Nanjing Office of the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,and industry experts,scholars,entrepreneurs and media representatives attended the meeting.

Opening ceremony and keynote report
This summit was hosted by Jin Ying,the secretary-general of Jiangsu Computer Society and professor of Nanjing University.Chi Yu,the deputy director of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology,and Zhang Lianchun,the secretary of the Party Working Committee of China(Nanjing)Software Valley,delivered speeches respectively.
In order to cultivate innovative talents and carry out collaborative research on key core technologies,Wang Zhe,director of the Nanjing Office of the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,and Gong Yujian,deputy general manager of Yihui Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,jointly signed the strategic cooperation agreement on innovative talents.In the future,both sides will select excellent students,work together to cultivate key core technical talents,and deeply promote the integrated development of industry and education.
Li Chang,Director of the Business Department of the National Technology Innovation Center in the Yangtze River Delta,and Li Tuo,Deputy General Manager of Yihui Information Technology Co.,Ltd.jointly signed a joint innovation center cooperation agreement.In the future,the two sides will promote industrial development around core technology,and carry out a comprehensive in-depth cooperation mechanism with the joint innovation center as a link.
At the meeting,the China(Nanjing)Software Valley Industrial Software Industry Alliance was officially established.Sun Zhonghua,the director of the management committee,and other leaders,representatives of the chairman units and representatives of the member units jointly witnessed the establishment ceremony.The alliance will gather the upstream and downstream advantages of the industrial software industry,build an industrial software innovation system,cultivate a healthy development ecosystem,and jointly overcome the”bottleneck”problem of key software.
In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,it was emphasized that”to build a modern industrial system,the focus of economic development should be on the entity
Economically,we should promote new industrialization and accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power,a quality power,a aerospace power,a transportation power,a network power,and a digital China.”In this regard,Ni Guangnan and Li Keqiang,academicians of the CAE Member,in their keynote report,called for building an independent ecosystem of industrial software,strengthening the training of core technical personnel,and accelerating the promotion of new industrialization.
Industry Summit Forum
At the industry summit forum,Gong Yujian,the deputy general manager of Yihui Information,delivered a keynote speech titled”Innovation and Practice of Yihui Industrial Cloud Native Digital Base”,firmly expressing the determination of Yihui Information to become the base of the future digital economy,clarifying the route of enabling the upstream and downstream of the industry in an open mode,and promoting industrial specialization and innovative development.
Chen Bing,president of the Computer College of China Southern Airlines,pointed out the challenges faced by the current training of industrial basic software talents and the reform direction of integrating information and innovation industry and industry and education.It shared the practical cases of joint research with Yihui Information to build”special software”college and domestic embedded operating system.
Space infrastructure is a state-led strategic and overall infrastructure,and is a major original of China’s aerospace development.The space information industry is a strategic emerging industry and high-tech service industry that receives local support and is engaged in the acquisition,processing and application of space information.
Liu Sheng,deputy general manager of aerospace,shared the significant advantages of Fengyun Yihui embedded operating system in space-borne applications,such as autonomous control,high reliability,high security,strong real-time,and wide compatibility,in the keynote speech of”Fengyun Yihui Operating System On-board Applications”.It also expressed the future outlook of Fengyun Yihui’s continuous deepening,transformation and upgrading with the”software definition”as the central idea.
Industrial basic software and hardware are built with embedded processors and real-time operating systems as the core.They are similar to servers and desktop systems in terms of function and composition,and have higher requirements in terms of real-time,power consumption,volume,stability,environmental adaptability,etc.Zhou Haibin,deputy general manager of Huachuang Microelectronics,shared the national production software ecological chain of HC embedded processors based on SylixOS in the theme report of”Ecological Empowerment of Industrial Basic Software and Hardware”,It has greatly improved the convenience of development,easy to promote and apply,and strengthened the belief of HC-SylixOS’s win-win cooperation and contribution to forging domestic”core”and”soul”.
Building the upstream and downstream ecosystem of products is the key to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises in the market,and also the only way to realize the controllability and independent systematization of the entire industry.Yihui Information will adhere to the spirit of”sharpening a sword in ten years”,continue to promote the original innovation of core technology,take the co-construction of industrial basic software industry ecosystem as its own responsibility,and work together with ecological partners to achieve the goal of manufacturing power.

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