Industry News

As the most important electromechanical energy conversion device,reducing motor energy consumption can effectively improve energy efficiency and achieve the policy goal of energy conservation and emission reduction.From the perspective of policy and economy,improving motor efficiency and reducing energy consumption are the long-term development direction of each application terminal.In 2023,the market size of China’s high-efficiency energy-saving motors is expected to exceed 45 billion yuan.With the deepening of intellectualization and electrification and the expansion of application fields such as new energy vehicles,the motor industry chain has ushered in unprecedented revolutionary opportunities,such as the growth of high-performance magnetic material applications,and the acceleration of digital transformation of motor enterprises.

In the future,the spring of rare earth permanent magnet motor

According to statistics,the electricity consumption of electric motors accounts for more than 50%of the world’s total electricity consumption on average and more than 70%of the industrial electricity consumption.At the same time,the actual operating efficiency of China’s electric motor system is low,which is 10%-20%lower than the advanced level of foreign countries.It is very urgent to improve the efficiency of the electric motor system.With the proposal of the relevant plans for motor efficiency and the support of national policies for energy-saving motors,rare earth permanent magnet motors are popular and the penetration rate is also increasing.

The most prominent performance characteristics of rare earth permanent magnet motors are lightweight,high-performance,efficient and energy-saving.Compared with traditional motors,rare earth permanent magnet motors have the advantages of simple structure,high reliability,small size,large specific power,high efficiency and energy saving,high voltage stabilization accuracy,long battery life,and wireless interference.In terms of energy saving,permanent magnet motors can save 20-40%energy than ordinary motors;The permanent magnet synchronous motor has reached the first level of energy efficiency,and the energy efficiency is more than 95%;The rotor of permanent magnet synchronous motor is made of rare earth permanent magnet steel,which does not require the stator to provide induction power,and the loss is smaller than that of ordinary motor.

At present,the main task is to guide enterprises to give priority to the selection of high-efficiency and energy-saving motors,and speed up the elimination of backward and inefficient motors that do not meet the requirements of the current national energy efficiency standards.Professionals believe that the penetration rate of rare earth permanent magnet motors will increase significantly.In the past,due to the high cost of rare earth permanent magnet motors,the utilization rate was lower than that of traditional industrial motors.In the future,with the promotion of national policies,the popularization rate of permanent magnet motors will increase rapidly.The penetration rate of rare earth permanent magnet motors in China will be about 5%in 2020.According to the Motor Energy Efficiency Improvement Plan(2021-2023),the penetration rate is expected to reach 20%in 2023 and 30%in 2025.

Electric machinery enterprises accelerate digital transformation

Nowadays,digital marketing has become a trend.At present,the world economy is accelerating its transformation from industrial economy to digital economy,and the digital transformation of enterprises has become an inevitable trend.

For electrical enterprises,the digital transformation of electrical enterprises is a measure to adapt to the development of the times,which can enable enterprises to obtain the maximum profits with the least effort.Digital transformation can realize online business and automatic work by machines,which can not only improve the efficiency of employees,but also reduce the error rate of work.In addition,realizing digital transformation and actively developing online business can enable enterprises to obtain”digital dividends”.

Many electrical machinery enterprises are accelerating the digital transformation and actively building digital management,digital workshop and other projects.It is understood that among the electrical machinery enterprises,Dongfang Electric Group has built its own digital workshop,which is based on advanced technologies such as Tianyi Cloud Computing and AI,and has established a series of cloud applications,realizing the functions of product image recognition quality control,painting temperature control,dust control,real-time analysis of toxic gases and real-time display of equipment status,and ensuring the efficiency,quality,efficiency and safety of the whole production process The whole process is controllable.The data shows that at present,the production efficiency of Dongfang Electric has been improved by 48%,the operating cost has been reduced by 31.9%,the product development cycle has been shortened by 30.7%,the defective product rate has been reduced by 20%,and the energy utilization rate has been increased by 57.3%.At the same time,it can bring more than 100 million yuan of direct economic benefits to the enterprise every year.Coincidentally,Oceanic Electric is also accelerating the digitalization of its business and management.The enterprise said that the digital transformation is the inevitable requirement for the company to accelerate the transformation of production mode,optimize internal resource allocation and promote high-quality development.The company is vigorously promoting the digitalization of business and management.At present,it has gradually realized the digitalization of business areas such as digital marketing,digital research and development,process and digital management,transparent chemical plants,digital supply chain,financial sharing center,human resource sharing center,and information sharing,management transparency,and process closed-loop.

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