Industry News

Robots have been known as”the pearl at the top of the crown of manufacturing industry”,and the R&D,manufacturing and application of industrial robots are important indicators to measure the level of a country’s scientific and technological innovation and high-end manufacturing industry.With the continuous upgrading of China’s overall industrial chain,as well as the continuous decline of China’s population birth rate,the difficulty of recruitment,the reduction of working-age labor force,and the increasing cost of employment and other factors,China’s industrial robots have broad market growth potential.According to a data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China,the output of industrial robots in China will reach 366000 in 2021,an increase of 10 times over 2015,and the industrial scale will grow rapidly.Its application will cover 60 major industries in the national economy,and it will remain the world’s largest industrial robot market.

In the face of the increasingly intelligent,modular and diversified application of industrial robot technology,the importance of various power supplies,signals and data connections related to the robot system is also increasingly prominent,which can be called the”lifeline”in the advanced and mature industrial robot system architecture.

Haoting Technology Group(hereinafter referred to as Haoting),the world’s leading industrial connection technology supplier,has been committed to the three major arteries of industrial technology-data,signal and power connection technology for decades.In the field of industrial robots,Haoting is bringing more innovative value to robot customers with comprehensive connection solutions.

Key connectivity challenges

According to Xian Wei,the robot industry manager of Haoting Technology Group,the current trend of intelligent,modular and diversified application of industrial robots has brought a series of challenges to the application of connection technology.Specifically,it includes:

First,with the continuous application of various automation technologies such as sensor technology and big data in industrial robots,industrial robots are gradually developing towards the direction of autonomous learning and autonomous operation.Therefore,industrial robots will add more connecting nodes of sensors and other devices.How to ensure the stable and reliable transmission of a large amount of data at the connecting points will be particularly important,especially in the relatively complex industrial field environment;At the same time,it is also necessary to ensure that the interface can meet the latest industry standards and be compatible with other devices.

Second,industrial robots often need to be manufactured in large quantities,and have higher requirements for the standardization of products,which can maximize the performance of robot products.The modularization of each core part of the robot lays a solid foundation for the standardization of the whole robot.More importantly,customization based on modularization will better meet the continuous demand of the market for the rapid launch of new models.For this reason,the modular structure requires that its interface needs to meet the application combination of various power,signal and data connections,especially the rich and complete connector product line as the basis,so that users can flexibly carry out various combinations,and it is also better to carry out customized development based on the latest needs of users.

Thirdly,the application of robots has been expanded from the original automobile industry and 3C industry to more general industrial fields.Especially with the domestic industrial upgrading and the impact of the epidemic,industrial robots have gradually penetrated into some industrial segments and commercial fields.With the extensive application of robots in various industries,the demand for power supply,signal and data connection will continue to be extended and expanded.Extensive application performance and rich product lines will be the key to ensure various successful applications.

Create the value of connection

“Whether it is 6-axis robot,SCARA,parallel robot or cooperative robot,Haoting’s representative products such as Han®D,Han®Module,Han®K.And Han®Q and other series,as well as general products M8/12,RJ45,Dsub and other series,can provide one-stop connection solutions and services from connectors to the overall harness for industrial robot customers.”Xianwei said.

These world-leading connection products and industrial solutions of Haoting have been widely used in robot bodies,control cabinets,pipeline packages,various peripheral supporting equipment(such as welding guns,gluing,etc.),and system integration projects.It not only provides customers with rich and highly reliable connection solutions,but also helps customers solve the modular and standardized structural design of their products.

It is reported that Haoting’s outstanding advantages in the industrial robot industry are mainly reflected in:

●Full product line:covering various common power,signal and data connectors and their harnesses of industrial robots;

●Rich application achievements:from the four families of robots to domestic robot head enterprises,and their system integration projects;

●Products comply with domestic and international standards:3C,CE,UL and other certifications are complete;

●Leading the technical standards and development trend of industrial connector industry:on the basis of the original Han series,continue to develop new generation products,such as Han Domino series compact modular products,single-pair Ethernet iX and other series products.

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